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Optimal Health Chiropractic

Optimal Health Chiropractic is very experienced in working with all kinds of people from the elderly to adults, teens, children, infants and even those with sports injuries.Simply put chiropractic care, though often overlooked, can not only offer relief from minor aches and pains, it can also contribute toward improving your overall health.Chiropractic is a holistic approach to health care, which focuses not just on localized symptoms, but considers the whole-body approach to healing. A problem in one part of the body may affect other areas of the body in ways that may not be appreciated when the healer is focusing only on local symptoms.Dr. Williams embraces the holistic philosophy toward healing and so will employ a comprehensive approach toward diagnosing, treating and healing your illness or injury.

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optimalhealthchiropractic (updated 12 years ago)

lat: 37.286819, long: -121.934128


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