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Gunship helicopters

We provide the ONLY Las Vegas Helicopter shooting experience!!! Shoot our M249 SAW over our private 71-acre shooting range as a door gunner!!!The Gunship Helicopter outdoor shooting range spans 71-acres through the driest desert in North America. Throughout the range, you’ll come upon AR500 reactionary steel targets, zombies, airplanes and couches of several different configurations, challenging your reflexes and shooting accuracy.Once you arrive at our Gun Range outside of Las Vegas, you will enjoy ground simulations and pre-flight before boarding an A-Star 350 B2.You’ll fly in the open-door helicopter over 71-acre private shooting range in the Mojave Desert. After taking your seat behind the mounted belt-fed M249 Saw, your dedicated range safety officers will help you shoot at dozens of AR-500 reactionary steel targets, wrecked airplanes, zombies, and couches scattered throughout the shooting range.

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jubinjaysharifiaplc (updated 5 years ago)

lat: 35.8440443, long: -115.5573036


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