Tagzania is closing soon. Please download your data in your profile page 2021-12-15

About Tagzania

Tagzania is about your places. If you sign up, you can add points, lanes or shapes to create and document your maps.


You can sign up now and start saving your places.


When you add a point, you may tag it with keywords. That way, Tagzania is not only a place to build and keep your own maps, shared territories are created as well.


Photos and videos

We don't host photos and videos at the moment. But you can document your places adding URL location of an image or a video from Flickr or Youtube, for example. Learn more about how to add a photo or a video.

The people behind Tagzania

Tagzania has been developed by Tagzania Services, a start up company created by CodeSyntax.

More information and FAQ